Monday 14 October 2019

An Epilogue

Well, the characters in this adventure made it through to the end of their Japan and Rugby World Cup journey. DiStar and Bob, The Rose, (who was too much of a liability and remained deflated in the luggage for the entire trip) left for Singapore and Indonesia adventures relating to offshore wind farming. She decided she will not be blogging from Singapore because it would just be a blog full of big sexy boat photos, remarks about her vast food consumption and how it is rather really quite hot. She is looking forward to returning to London soon for B...onfire Night and errr, the other 'B'.

Paul remained in Japan for another week where he got up to some aimless wandering without Divya to set a daily agenda for him. He had a great time.

Author's Note

This blog is dedicated to my parents who were going through a challenging time whilst I was gallivanting around the world. I hope you enjoyed my adventures and I promise the drinking was never excessive! And thank you to Linda, for your remote, virtual support.

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